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Lisa (Claudia Rocchi), a young and pretty wife stuck in a marriage with a much older husband who cannot satisfy her sexually or in any other way. Become bored with her routine life, she eventually cheats on her husband and sleeps with another older man. Still not satisfied she eventually hooks up with a count (Enzo Fisichella), a rich sleazebag who introduces her to a young stud Marco (Mario Cutini) and his wife Carmen (Guia Lauri Filzi) and their lesbian playmate(Annj Goren). At this party, she is taken by the young man while the others watch this experience seems to do the trick for her. Her curiosity for the young man deepens and she decides that she wants to see him again. However, it turns out that the guy is a bit of a thug and not the gentle lover that she thought he was.


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