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A nightclub singer has nightmares about being involved in adultery and murder, only to wake up and find that they may not be nightmares.  Lurid thriller from the Crown International Pictures vault provides one of the sleaziest tales of wanton lust, infidelity, and unscrupulous greed ever lensed, with a few violent on-screen murders thrown in for good measure. The inimitable Dyanne Thorne is in it, and that fact alone makes it worthy of investigation.  A tacky Tony Bennett-style lounge singer abandons his pregnant girlfriend when he becomes intimately involved with the bitchy, high-strung wife(and soon-to-be widow) of a bigshot record industry mogul. Just to prove what a no-class opportunist scumbag this creep is, he soon takes to screwing her dim-witted stepdaughter as well.  If you're on a hunt for cheap thrills in the immortal 70s drive-in/grindhouse tradition, Look no further than POINT OF TERROR...it's such an uncurbed blast of raffish overindulgence that it makes something as famously profligate as BEYOND THE VALLEY OF THE DOLLS appear subdued by comparison. Surprisingly, it actually works in a fallacious, all-wrong sort of way, though a preposterous non-ending cripples it significantly.  A potentially gratifying watch for fans of excessive, tawdry thrillers, and such a distinctly 1970s relic that you might come away from it smelling like Hai-Karate.


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